Enrollment Form

This is a multi-part form that must be completed online.  Once this form has been submitted a copy will be sent to our administration team and will be verified for correct and complete information.  You will also receive a copy. 

Following this, one of the team will be in touch to complete your enrollment, confirm times, pricing and arrange for your childs initial visit.

1a. Childs Information
2b. Parent Contact Information
3c. Enrollment Request Details
4d. Custodial Requirements
5e. Additional Contacts
6f. Health Questionaire
7g. Parent Declarations

Document Evidence

Please select documentation type uploaded (or provided directly to staff member).
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please upload a photocopy or image of the official identity documents selected above

Privacy Statement

We are collecting personal information on this enrolment form for the purposes of providing early childhood education for your child. All Early Childhood services must meet their responsibilities under the Privacy Act 2020, which include providing a Privacy statement on enrolment agreements which meets the requirements of that Act (Principle 3). Personal information about your child collected on his enrolment form is shared with the Ministry of Education who store it securely and treat it in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. Information is disclosed to the Ministry- For funding allocation purposes, for monitoring purposes, to allow the assignment of a National Student Number* , to allow the Minister of Education to exercise any of their other powers or responsibilities under the Education and training Act 2020, and as permitted by Privacy Principles 10 and 11.Completed forms may also be viewed by Ministry officials on request for the purposes of monitoring and licensing.

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